Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So I've realized I'm lazy lol.. Let me update you all on this past week. So, I went to the Georgia mountain this weekend and ended up getting really sick.... I had a fever all three nights and came back home miserable ): I finally went to the doctor yesterday and they gave me a Zpack. It's been working so far and I feel a lot better. 

I'm still waiting to hear back from Nav Air and I honestly thought I would have heard back by now.... Bahhh lol The worst part about anything is not knowing when you will find out. I wrote them an email yesterday and got an out of town response....... so maybe I'll find out by the end of this week (: Fingers still crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Got my digits crossed for you! I just applied for a program assistant position at UCF...I'm hoping I get called for an interview at least.

    So, one hand crossed for you, and one for myself! LOL
